Wednesday, 6 June 2007

I have developed something really rather painful

Its like this awkward thing. And it really hurts. It stops me from being as mobile as I'd like and to be honest, its my own fault.

I am, of course, referring to a broken foot.

3rd Metatarsal, broken.
2nd Metatarsal, dislocated.

Apparently near impossible to re-set into position again. So I'm striding(read: hobbling slowly) from place to place in massive amounts of pain but with 3 entire days off.

The doctor said I'm not allowed to work on it for a few days, so I'm sorted for some time off to get some things done. For a change.


Its just dawned on me that I may not be able to fully Muse out on the 16th because I've the standing ticket and the complete lack of standing ability.




Fuck it. I'll get doped up to the point of passing the pain barrier and wake up in the morning to pass out. Sorted.

Painkillers are quality, by the way. I'm well happy right now. I could just hug everyone. Its like taking ecstasy but with Nurofen instead.

Yes indeed.

Oh, and V needs to get herself across here for a gig. She needs some Pitchshifter. SHE NEEDS TO COME TO LONDONDONDONDONDONDON.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know,i need to come back!i'm sure LDN misses her favorite french lady haha